Author Archives: Richard Graham

How to improve your finances as a teacher!

Hello, “How to improve your finances as a teacher” was the most requested option in last week’s poll! Now I do have a full course for this but I’m also going to start some quick tips over on the socials,  is that OK? The first one is online now ( also on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok as well as  Youtube)  so…

My Favourite “After Holidays” Review Game!

Hello, My favorite review game for starting the New Year (after the Genki New Year’s Song, of course – I just updated your Teacher’s Set and Student Set versions to 2024 for you!), …. is the Hammer Game! It is soooo much fun & lets you see exactly what the kids have remembered over the…

Great January Game from Japan: Fukuwarai!

When looking for class games, which are always the best ways to simulate and stimulate conversion in class, I’m always looking at what games the kids are playing anyway then just flip it into English! So in Japan at New Years, the game of Fukuwarai is really popular.   And …. it just so happens…

Can you guess all the New Year Resolutions?

A fun little quiz to start the New Year,  can you guess all the resolutions?     View this post on Instagram   A post shared by 🔥Richard Graham @ Genki English! (@genki_richard_graham)

Top Teacher’s Set Countries in 2023!

It’s always amazing to see in just how many countries amazing teachers buy and use the Genki English Teacher’s Set. We just got the top countries chart for 2023, did your country make the list?   If not you might just be able to sneak in, the office is closed till after New Year, but…