Author Archives: Richard Graham

Warsaw Workshop Recap – Amazing!

You know whenever you go to a workshop there’s always one teacher. Β  Β The super, uber genki crazy one who does amazing things with her students. Well just imagine a whole room full of them! That was today’s workshop. Β  Everyone was amazing, knew everything about Genki English, could understand my English at full speed…

Poland Day 1: Warsaw, Beautiful & Yet More Why

As I’m writing this I’ve just arrived in Poland for my first ever workshops here. Β And before everything got started I had a rare day off to look around the town. Warsaw is a beautiful city. It feels just like Rome, beautiful streets, vistas and views round every corner. Traveling to different cities, talking to…

Snoozy Afternoon Class to Super Crazy Class

If you happen to have one of those snoozy afternoon adults classes (like after a morning of phonics or a big, big lunch!) Β then don’t try the Happy Halloween and Harry Potter with them. They go totally crazy!!!! Ninja Tip: I guess it works on kids too πŸ™‚ And don’t even get me started on…

All the Games, Songs & More from the Slovakia Workshop 2015

This weekend was the first workshop in Slovakia since getting an official recommendation from the Ministry of Education here and it was fantastic! A huge thank you to all the new teachers, and an even bigger thank you for all the second time teachers. Β  You helped so much in letting the new teachers see…

New Game: I’m you!

Today’s New Game Monday once again comes from the fantastic ACET Teachers. You can use it as a simple What’s your name? practice or as an ice breaker game for adults. 1. Β Everyone makes a name tag with their name written on it. 2. Β They find a partner and ask each other “What’s your name?”…

Strawberry Fields to Bratislava & Please no Presents!

It’s amazing the flights you can take in Europe. Β  Today I was flying from Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport to Bratislava (!) for the big Genki English workshop this weekendΒ – it’s going to be awesome – so we popped in to see Strawberry Fields (forever) I’m just getting ready with some really cool new games,…