Author Archives: Richard Graham

European University Research into Genki English

In addition to the Harvard & Oxford research into Genki English,ย as part of the official EU recommendation processย in Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic for distribution, research and licensing, we have also had 2 European universities review the Genki English material to make sure it meets the Education Ministry andย Common European Framework of Reference for…

Want your Friends & Colleagues to love You forever? Free “Ninja Teaching” Email Course

Hopefully you’re loving the Genki English blog and emails with all the games, tips, tricks and teaching hints. And especially how much stress and time it saves in lesson planning. So would you like all your colleagues and friends to love you forever by helping them too? Well, just tell them to sign up for…

Little Red …..

Seeing as we’re talking about sneak peeks, VIP membersย have you seen theseย on the VIP Forum Beta Test page? Ninja Tip: ย  ย In exchange for helping me test the brand new lessons VIP members get to download the new songs whilst they are in “early access” mode. Then once they become finished they become a paid…

Genki English on iOS sneak peek anyone?

I hope you had an *amazing* Summer. Over here we’ve been working at fever pitch starting Genki English on the iPad & iPhone. It’s been a superhero, very expensive battle but we’re very nearly there. And it’s looking *very* cool. So ….. would you like a sneak peek? Before anyone else? Well… Just imagine how…

Oh my goodness, look at Amye’s new Worksheets Book!

I knew a lot of you have been huge fans of Amye’s amazing worksheet book for preschoolers.     Well…. ย book two for the curriculum Brainy level has just arrived, ย wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!! I’m sure you are going to get so many ideas from these. Thank you so Amye for taking all the…

Summer Crafts & Activities

If you’re in the middle of summer and want some craft ideas to keep the kids busy, ย have a look at some of these! To go with the Under the Sea theme, ย a very cool shark:   Or a paper plate aquarium! ย (Thanks to Wayne for the recommendations!)       Or a paper plate…