Author Archives: Richard Graham

What can the American and British education systems learn from classrooms in the developing world? have just put up another great new article about what we can all learn from classrooms in the developing world. It features Adam Braun – whose fantasticΒ Pencils of Promise book is a definite book for your reading list – and also Sugata Mitra – who did the computer rooms in the schools we worked…

Easier to find lessons (?) with curriculum order website menus

The new “curriculum order” software menu has been huge, everyone seems to love it and it was the big hit in the workshops – everyone wanted it! (If you have ordered the Teacher’s Set since April, you have it too!) So…. the next step is to try and make the website easier to use. And…

How to avoid professional burnout?

Oksana wrote in to ask: Hi Richard, I would be really grateful for some tips regarding how to prevent professional burnout. Sometimes it’s so discouraging when you do your best, but your students don’t. I guess it concerns adults more. What a very good question – and yes, it isn’t one I get everyday! 1….

Genki English Live: Shanghai Off, Kawasaki & Spain On!

Greetings from Shanghai! I’m just here for a couple of days and we were looking at maybe doing a workshop here in September. But … midweek was the only time I had free and it looks like that won’t work out for everyone else, so we’re going to pause the Shanghai workshop this time and…

Summer Reads: Purple Cow: New Edition

In a field of black and white cows, Β  i.e. other English classes that are indistinguishable from each other, Β why would anyone choose to study English with you? The answer, Β be a Purple Cow. Β  It is the reason some English schools succeed, whilst some are still struggling, and many of you will have seen…

Software Update: Creepy Crawlies Dance Remix + Picture Book!

  Kids in Asia are crazy into bugs at this time of year. So it’s a big (and free of course!) Software Update for the Creepy Crawlies song! Apart from some sharp new fonts & higher sound quality, I’ve also added in a Dance Remix of the song. (The Hawaiian stuff tested great with kids,…