Author Archives: Richard Graham

Top 3 Summer Lesson Ideas

So you might think that my top five summer lessons would be: Summer Clothes – featuring the eternally popular Baby Money. Summer Sports – great for an after Summer review with “What did you do in the Summer?” Under the Sea – check out the Nemo Game! Pirates Colours – Ooo arrrr! Mr Octopus – (try the intro of…

Quick Tip To Speed Up the USB Homework!

For those of you spending your summer selling USBs for the Genki English Homework programme, here’s a quick tip to speed things up: Get a couple of USB extension boxes so you can do 5, 10 or 15 at once! They’re less than $10/1000 yen each so should save you lots of time. Better than…

Better than the local Junior High School Teachers…

Just got back from a massive 3 day, 3 city tour of Japan.  Totally shattered but fantastic teachers, some of the success stories were amazing! I’ll write up more soon,  but a quick tip today from Ken in Tokyo… If you’re having problems explaining to parents just how good their kids will get in a…

Remind me to do this in Tokyo! New Animals Picture Book

Just so I don’t forget,  please remind me to do this in the (now sold out) workshops this weekend  – the New Animal Voices Picture Book!   Thanks to Nigel for the idea and if it goes well I’ll get the update on the site for you all soon! Would you like me to try some of…

Harvard University Research on Genki English Citations – Getting your School to choose Genki English

If you’re trying to persuade your school or Board of Education to choose Genki English then you can’t really ask for more than the research from Harvard University on using Genki English & Genki Phonics. “Based on a variety of analyses, it has been confirmed that the …. program had a significant, positive and robust impact on…

The Fishing Game(s)!

This is a great game that I used to use as an end of year review, lots of fun. You can either use it in big groups, like I describe here. (Or for smaller groups see lower down!) 1. Spread out lots of picture cards on the floor. (I used to use about 50 A4 cards at…