Author Archives: Richard Graham

Look at these great Halloween pictures Teresa’s kids did!

Teresa sent in these great pictures from her Halloween lessons, what do you think? This year for Halloween we did Mr. Skeleton Soup and we played with the dice. While the song was going on the students were saying: Oh no! My arm!! I have no arms!!! Oh no! My legs!!! (Without asking them they…

Oxford University (!) Research into Genki English Songs vs. Stories “equally effective”

Last year we had Harvard University publishing their research on Genki English.ย ( “the programmeย had aย significant, positive and robust impact on studentsโ€™ learning outcomesโ€œ is what they said.) And this year researcher Glenn Davis has just completed a very interesting study at the University of Oxford in the UK on the effectiveness of using songs vs….

“Half” Homework Packs Option – And getting you waiting lists! :)

Update: ย This experiment didn’t work, ย the parents all wanted to just go for the full pack from the start. ย Much less hassleย apparently! (I guess just like Pokemon, they wanted to collect them all ๐Ÿ™‚ )ย    I hope you’ve been enjoying all the new materials and thanks for all the great comments! ๐Ÿ™‚ With the…

Superhero Vegetables! What do you think?

We all know kids need to eat more vegetables. ย But how do we do it? Well, one study I saw said you can increase kids’ intake of vegetables just by changing the names, from simple broccoli to “Power Punch Broccoli” or “X-Ray Vision Carrots.” Pretty cool I think you’ll agree! So I thought, why not…

How to go from simple words/phrases to real conversations? with videos!

Getting kids to have *real* conversations. This has been quite a popular request this week, so I thought I’d show you how we do it with Genki English! 1. First no words… So first of all don’t waste time with just teaching words i.e. the old flashcard way of teaching. It’s always much better to…

Lesson of the Week: Haunted House!

OK I’m going to go for a Halloween theme for this week’s Lesson of the Week. And my number one favourite lesson for Halloween is Who is in the haunted house? This kids love it, ย you get to teach the questions word “who” and rooms of the house, and best of all you get all…