Author Archives: Richard Graham

Huge Q&A and teaching FAQ Replay!

We just had an amazing teaching questions session,  Cristina started off with amazing advice on how she filled her classes and travelled around the world teaching English. Then I covered all the top questions and challenges you have been sending in this week!  So grab a coffee and enjoy!   Here are some of the questions…

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Designed Flashcards

UPDATE:  Thanks to everyone who joined the A.I. For Teachers Zoom Call – glad you all enjoyed it!  One of the blogs I used to do was a “cute cat English” learning site.  It was very popular!  ( The Good Cat, Bad Cat workbook came out of it) So doing some examples for the  “How…

Genki Podcast on Music, Mindset & Britney Spears???

I asked on Facebook the other week and lots of people asked me to start a podcast. I haven’t done it yet, ( maybe I should?) but I have done lots of interviews for other podcasts in different genres. This is the newest and is with Richard from the Trailer Music Composer Podcast (Yes, I write…

The Difference Between Term Time Tik Toks & Holiday Time Tik Toks

It’s quite interesting to see which kinds of topics students are interested in on social media. And I see a big split between term time and holiday time. For example in holiday time (summer, xmas etc.) the regular cartoon style Genki English videos are most popular: And then in term time, when kids are at…

To Save You LOTS Of Time, A Whole Year’s Social Media content

Short Version:   Social Media is awesome for teachers.    But it’s hard to come up with ideas.   I’ve made them all for you – see below! Or the longer version …. Social media has given teachers like yourself a huge opportunity that we never had before.  In this past year I just went…

LIVE: The 3 Ways to Increase Your Teaching Income, Zoom Brainstorm

UPDATE:  Thank you to everyone who attended last week – you were amazing!!   For those of you who didn’t make it,  would you like an encore call next week?    If you’re happy with your teaching income then feel free to skip past this post & have a great day! Or if you’ve been…