Author Archives: Richard Graham

New Grammar / Advanced GE Design

I’ve just updated the Grammar Songs / Advanced Genki English page. ย Hopefully it makes it easier for you to use and to try out a few of the tracks! I’m also up for doing a few more of these if you have any cool target English you’d like to see. (Just write them up in…

Lines Game: Review 20 themes in 5 minutes!

Reviewing is one of the most important parts of a lesson. ย Rather than “islands” of English that don’t link up, you want to try and make “pancakes” where each lesson is reviewed in the next one. ย I’ve written a whole big article on this “Reviewing and how to do it” but the basic threeย techniquesย are: Review…

What’s in the stocking?

Here’s a great Christmas Party game I just wrote up in this month’s newsletter: Pack a Christmas stocking with either real presents orminicards. 1. At one end of the room one child holds the stocking and asks “What would you like for Christmas?” 2. The other kids, at the other side of the room, shout…

Mido’s Thoughts on Teaching Children

Many of you have become fans of Mido Farid’s games, and Mido has just sent in this piece on thoughts about teaching children. ย What do you think? Teaching children Weย all know that teaching English as a second language can be very hard. ย But teaching children can be really very hard. So I want to give…

Christmas Illuminations & ETJ this Sunday

I’m in Fukuoka this week for the ETJ Conference this weekend. ย I won’t beย presenting, but feel free to catch me for a chat! And seeing as it’s now December, here’s a quick video of the Christmas lights in Japan! And you should see all the comments on the Youtube channel! P.S. Although I look quite…

New Phonics “i” Song: Cute Mix Video!

To help illustrate the short “i” sound in theย Genki Phonics Course try this new brain virus, sorry, song…. Be warned, if you play the video it will stay in your head all day! ย  How many “i” sounds did you count? It’s also a good introduction to the “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” game from theย phonics…