Author Archives: Richard Graham

Guessing Game Animation

Gumby wrote in to ask where she could find the animation I use in the I have a question guessing game video. Here it is! Right click and select “save as” then drag it into your internet browser when you want to use it offline: Adjectives Game Animation. 2.1 MB Full instructions are on the…

Teachers Banned from Speaking with ALTs

Japan just keeps getting better and better…. Have a look at this article from the Yomiuri Newspaper: A less-than-desirable ALTernative …the school opted for the safest approach: banning all conversation between teachers and ALTs during class. For those of you abroad, ALTs are assistant language teachers, usually non-Japanese who are asked to help, but often…

What to teach?

Not sure what to teach or where to start? Have a look at this video! The curriculum / lessons plans are here! What do you think? (Plus look at how much genkier the teachers were in this video compared with this year!)

Huge Fireworks in video!

I don’t know why but students never seem able to say “Fireworks” – even if they can say “work” on its own! In England, fireworks mean winter, but over in Japan they’re the highlight of the Summer. Here are the ones from my local town as I popped back home last weekend for the first…

How to teach “because”

Justice just sent in a very easy way to teach “because.” Β  You just link it in with the “I like ..” themes, the What do you want to be? theme and maybe one of the verb themes or the sports theme. Then it’s pretty easy for the kids to come up with things like…

New Game: Oh my hair!

Here’s another game from Mido Farid. Β This time it’s a counter game to use when reviewing any theme! Divide the class into two groups Draw two funny heads on the board On each head draw eight or ten hairs Draw then in a funny way! e.g.Β  Ask the first student from each team a question…