Author Archives: Richard Graham

Gingerbread Test

Here are another couple of worksheets from Flossy and her daughter. The first one is a listening test to go with the Gingerbread house. You say one of the words and the kids circle the correct picture. The second one is similar to the spaghetti worksheets for the Where are the Christmas presents song. But this one requires…

Flossy’s Christmas Printable Games

Flossy’s daughter has come up with some excellent new Christmas games for you. Here’s the first, a series of partially built snowmen, and you draw a line between the ones that are the same. I’ve never seen this idea before but it’s really fun to do! If you are doing reading (remember to start with phonics!)…

Buy me! “Is” Game

Here’s a cool little review game from Eby… ———————— 1. Draw some circles on the board, one for each item you want to review. 2. Put a flashcard in each circle. 3. Under each circle write an amount like $5 etc. 4. On top of each circle write numbers 1 to 8 (or however many cards…

Teaching Teenagers?

Here’s the new Genki Disco Warm Up in Japanese! The question is, what age group do you think this is most popular with? Yep, according to Youtube the biggest age group for these songs is 13 to 18! And just have a look at the comments they are making. Hope you enjoyed the work out……

2010 Genki Calendar, Your Requests + More Xmas Worksheets!

Update: 2014 version is here Always a welcome gift, here’s the 2010 Genki English Calendar to bring a rainbow of colours to your classroom. Of course the 2009 one is still online just in case you need it! Plus there are more luxury Christmas worksheets with Christmas Colours Snakes & Ladders, black and white Snowman mini cards and Christmas Colours…

Let’s build a Snowman ESL Body Parts Song in Video

Here’s the latest video from Austria, for CD10’s “Let’s build a snowman” Just like the Gingerbread House song the kids pretend to build a snowman whilst singing the chorus.  Then they get into pairs to put the parts on each other! The English is a little more advanced than the other Genki English themes, but…