Author Archives: Richard Graham

How to get loads of teaching materials for free

If you’re teaching in a public school then this week could be the best week of the year for you. Why? Because come the 1st of April it’s the new financial year and schools have to use up lots of their budgets or lose them. “But my school doesn’t have an English budget?” you may…

CD9 Update

Quite a few people have been asking when CD9 will be released. Well, it’s getting there, slowly! It’s taken me this long to mix the CD, but thanks to PSP’s Vintage Warmer I think I’m nearly there. If I get them finished this week I’ll have them sent off to the studio to be mastered…

Genki Days of the Week Song

We had a request on the forum for a Genki English “Days of the Week” song. Well, here is is! Members Club Exclusive Download: Genki Days of the Week MP3 It’s certainly the most energetic version of a Days of the Week you’re likely to hear – perfect for 5th and 6th graders! If you…

Get Fluent in Japanese

I’ve just written a new ebook “Get Fluent in Japanese” It’s basically a cut down version of the Success Secrets of Learning English but with a few Japanese specific examples and phrases. I’m giving it away free when people subscribe to my Learn Japanese FAQ newsletter. So If you’d like a copy, or have friends…

Interview with me on JetSetCitizen

John Bardos has just done an interview with me on the JetSetCitizen site: Lifestyle Design Interview: Richard Graham It’s mainly about lifestyle design, but John was also interested in the story of how I started Genki English and the sacrifices and risks involved in setting up your own business. It’s interesting how he sees me…

Brand New Hip Hop Song: Better than the best!

Here’s a brand new hip hop track for you: You’re better than the best of the best!. As you can probably tell it is to teach comparatives and superlatives, cute, cuter, cutest etc. As with the other hip hop songs there’s a free online version where students can listen to the song and click the…