Author Archives: Richard Graham

Colour Superhero cards!

The colour superhero cards are now online, and they are looking very good, especially the new “cook” one! There are also mini-cards and lots of comments on how teachers have been using the song in their classroom to great success. You can also get a sneak preview of the animated versions of the cards over…

Panalee Resort

I don’t mean to make anyone jealous, but here’s something that might cheer up a winter’s morning. It’s a video I took of the hotel where I’m staying in Koh Samui.Β  It amazing that it’s cheaper for me to stay here than in Tokyo. The new project I mention is really exciting. It’s still a…

Valentine’s Chocos

Here’s a valentine’s chocolates video I shot in Tokyo last week. Instead of guys being pressured into buying expensive gifts for girls, in Japan it’s girls who have to buy chocolates for the boys! And not just husbands or boyfriends, they have to buy them for every guy they know. I should have stayed a…

BBC: Gestures ‘develop infant speech’

There’s an interesting article in the BBC today about how “Toddlers who use gestures more often have better vocabularies on reaching school age.” That’s good to hear!Β  I’ve always used gestures in the GE songs from a Multiple Intelligences point of view, that some people simply remember things better if they have a gesture associated…

Happy Birthday!

It’s my birthday today! Along with Charles Darwin & Abraham Lincoln & lots of other really cool people so “Happy Birthday!” to you too. Actually Charles Darwin & Abraham Lincoln were both born in the same year, 1809, and did you know that Charles Darwin’s grandfather was Josiah Wedgwood of the pottery company fame? Anyway,…

Valentine’s Bucket full of Broken Hearts

Gaz has been in super drive mode preparing 40 Broken Hearts game/worksheets to go with the Valentine Broken Hearts Game.Β Β  He’s also been super kind enough to share them, there are loads of them so be sure you have a fast internet connection! (rules of the game are here) If you’re not a member…