Author Archives: Richard Graham

Why Language Classes Don’t Work

Tim Ferris, of Four Hour Work Week (on Amazon US or here on Amazon Japan)Β  fame, has just put up a new blog post: Why Language Classes Don’t Work: It’s certainly worth a read and as usual he gives lots of food for thought.Β  Is this how your brighter adult students see you?Β  Here are…

The Pirate Song

I just found out about Eric Herman on YouTube, and I just love his songs! The English is probably way too advanced for beginner learners, but they are so funny and 100% authentic. This is my favourite, the new pirate song….”Dude, that’s a pond!” And here’s one that’s a touch simpler, if you’ve got some…

Genki in Okinawa – This weekend!

Cesar has another event set up for his English Land Project onΒ  September 27th from 10AM to 12Noon at the Naha Board of Education Hall.Β  If you’d like to pop along and volunteer your time it would be a great chance to learn some Genki English teaching ideas from one of the top teachers on…

When is the critical period?

ELTNews have put up a nice interview with David Nunan. In case you’ve not heard of him, he’s sold over 700 million textbooks in China (which is more than Harry Potter has in the world!) and has just had an institute named after him at Anaheim University in the US. Although some of the interview…

Warning! + How much?

WARNING: Do not press play! This is the Japanese version of the “How much?” song, and seriously it will really mess up your head for the rest of the day if you play it just once! You see the torture we inflict on our poor students with these songs! (Just joking of course!) πŸ™‚ iTunes…

Teaching 2 & 3 year olds + a Troll

I’ve done a lot of research on how parents can help younger kids learn English, but actually teaching 2 and 3 year olds is not something I know that much amount. But I get asked the question a lot especially as my 0-6 year old Kids English set isn’t available overseas. So here’s a brief…