Author Archives: Richard Graham

Monster Halloween Songs

Just a quick word to say there are two new Trick or Treat songs for you to try on the Owners’ Club beta test page. One is a happy “light” version and the other is the full on scary monster version! What do you think?

Older kids teach younger kids

In two weeks’ time, on the way back from my India workshops I’m stopping off in Thailand and then Cambodia to do a two day workshop for the Pepy ride teachers. I got their newsletter again yesterday and one of the great stories is how they are using the new XO “$100 laptops”. The amazing…

Halloween Apple Bobbing Song

The main Happy Halloween song has been a huge hit with teachers and kids. But of course if you use it every year then it gets a little too easy. So over on the forum last week we had a request for some new Halloween songs. Ever pleased to oblige, and thanks to a visit…

Parents θ¦ͺ子英θͺž

UPDATE: Β These offers have no finished – hope you enjoyed them!Β  I’ve got something big planned for you tomorrow (fingers crossed!) so today we just have a few little bits of news: . New Software Download Pack (+Upgrades) If you’ve previously purchased the MP3 download pack, you can now upgrade to the new Software Download…

Why Language Classes Don’t Work

Tim Ferris, of Four Hour Work Week (on Amazon US or here on Amazon Japan)Β  fame, has just put up a new blog post: Why Language Classes Don’t Work: It’s certainly worth a read and as usual he gives lots of food for thought.Β  Is this how your brighter adult students see you?Β  Here are…

The Pirate Song

I just found out about Eric Herman on YouTube, and I just love his songs! The English is probably way too advanced for beginner learners, but they are so funny and 100% authentic. This is my favourite, the new pirate song….”Dude, that’s a pond!” And here’s one that’s a touch simpler, if you’ve got some…