Author Archives: Richard Graham

Perfect Gesture Game?

Although I recommend charades (or “gesture game”) for What are you doing? or What do you want to do? (members bonus theme) I’ve never found a way of doing it that I was totally happy with. In one of the workshops this week I think I might have found it: 1. Put the kids in…

Pacific Island of Okinawa

After catching up on a bit of work, and before dinner with the teachers from this week, I got picked up in an open top car for a nice drive round the beautiful Pacific Island of Okinawa. It’s so nice to finally have a day off here, as usually I just fly straight in and…

Do flowers fly?

To be honest over the last few months I’ve seen CD8 as a bit of a mismatch of themes to fill holes in the curriculum or to bring about themes that haven’t worked out until now. But today I played the songs for the teachers and they loved it. Out of all the songs we’ve…

CD 8 is out!

Breaking news: CD volume 8 is out early! We were supposed to be getting CD8 from the factory next week, but they’ve actually sent them on their way already so I figured I might as well get it on the site. There are song samples, picture cards and new mini cards and all sorts on…

Okinawa – Day 2

Normally day 2 of a 3 day workshop ends on a “will they really be able to do this?” note. But today’s teachers were fine right from the start. It does take a bit of getting used to teaching Genki English, especially the idea that pronunciation and learning something new actually matters, but once you’ve…

Okinawa – Bad, Good, Praise and Funky Animals

People often ask me if I ever get tired or feel like quitting. Usually, no. This morning, oh yes. Now I know why Japan is so bad at elementary school English…. This week I’ve been invited to do two and half days of training as part of the certificated Japanese elementary school teacher programme. I…