Author Archives: Richard Graham

New Numbers Song

The “How many…?” song I wrote to practice “How many?” (surprise, surprise!). But until now there hasn’t been a simple song for teaching just the numbers on their own. In Japan the “Seven Steps” song is quite popular, but not so much elsewhere. So I’ve just put up a new demo song that takes the…

Pronouns & Clothes

Two more card games for you today. One is for personal pronouns and stationery. e.g. He has a pencil. Although you could also change it for possessive pronouns e.g. It’s her book. To avoid grammar complications with things like “scissors” and “glue” I’ve just stuck to items that can be used with “a” or “an”…

Kid Control: Big Sheep, Little Cows

I was at a farm today. Not just any old farm, but one of the funky new ones with well trained guides: The Big Sheep & Little Cow Farm. “Be quiet!” is a shout of many an adult unused to dealing with kids, but the farmers today were masters of kid control, using the time…

University of Newcastle

Yesterday I popped into the University of Newcastle for a chat about the upcoming Genki English trip to India. It does seem like a very exciting, very different and very interesting project to be involved with. Not least of which is because of the just-on-the-right-side-of-crazy people who are running things! I’m sure I’ll be writing…

Amazing! Super! Incredible! Fantastic!

As you know, confidence is something I’m very big on. Here’s the English version of my “Kodomo Eigo” article this month. “Good” is a good word. When you hear it you feel good. You think to yourself “that was good”. It’s not bad. It’s good. But it could be better… For example the movie might…

Weather & Countries Card Game

In yesterday’s newsletter I introduced the new Genki English “One Left” Card Games. Just like the famous game Uno, they are based on the traditional Crazy Eights game and work great in mid to high level classes. Here’s another one for you today, for teaching weather and countries. Simply teach the two lessons as usual…