Author Archives: Richard Graham

20 Tips to Get Motivated & Genki

It’s amazing how much stuff is on the Genki English site. Today, totally by accident, I came across this page of 50 Tips to Get Motivated and Genki. It was written for when you can’t seem to get anything done and want a bit of an energy boost. I’d completely forgotten about it, but it’s…

6th grade & Warm Ups

Here are a few of the teachers’ questions I’ve had over the last couple of days with excerpts from my answers that you might find useful. Richard asked about 6th graders: … here’s an article you might want to have a look at … Flavia asked about a demo class for numbers, colours and…

Indy Jones Game

It’s newsletter day today and this month’s “Game of the Month” is the first Indiana Jones game. I’ve been testing it on the site for the last few weeks and the most popular question has been “Where can I buy the Indiana Jones hat?”. Luckily it’s an easy one, Amazon and ToysRus both have them….

Alphabet in 20 words

Here’s an interesting list for you, 20 words that cover the entire alphabet. If you planned it right you could base a whole hyper-speed phonics curriculum around them. Thanks to Chris Hunt for the list. You can find more of his, sometimes off the wall, ideas at cat hat / hot dog pig pen…

Phonics = Katakana for English

I don’t know if you managed to catch Genki English on the TBS Radio Show “Stream” the other day. I didn’t because I’m in Italy but apparently they were doing a special on phonics are were very (pleasantly) surprised to find out the how easy it is and that the alphabet song doesn’t have to…

Fine thank you and you

Every month I have an article in ALC’s “Kodomo Eigo” magazine and they’ve just given me permission to put the English version online for free. The basic idea is that I take some of the strange or annoying English that is often taught in Japanese schools and try and make it sound a little cooler…