Author Archives: Richard Graham

The simplest birthday game

This is such a simple game that I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before on the blog. It works great as an ice breaker with adults classes or as an activity with kids who don’t know each others birthdays, or the months of year, just yet. All you do is run through the When is…

Make money with Genki English Part 1: If you have a website or blog

Teachers and school owners are always looking for new income streams. If you have a website or a blog then you can actually make money from Genki English. And it’s really easy to do. All you have to do is to tell people about how much you love the Genki English songs (you know you…

Bonfire Night

When you think of fireworks, what month comes to mind? Americans may say July 4th, in Japan many people would say Summer. Over in the UK, mention fireworks and most people think of November, more specifically November 5th. Everyone puts on big coats, hats and scarfs and braves the cold to not only see fireworks…

Which is the best DAW?

It’s that time of year again when all the DAW (Digital Audio Workstation i.e. software recording studio) companies update their products. It also nearly always coincides with my computer starting to die. I don’t think laptops are designed to run an internet company and be a music studio everyday. This post is more for my…

Now that Halloween’s over…

Now that Halloween’s over and out of the way ( hope you had a nice one), what themes are you thinking of for November? I’d love to hear, either by email or on the forum.

Getting Genki With It Podcast

A couple of weeks ago I recorded a podcast (basically a half hour radio show you can download) for The host was Mark from (and and we seemed to have packed a lot of stuff in, from how I started teaching, to how Genki English came about to a load of teaching…