Author Archives: Richard Graham

Games In Video

One of the cool things about the Super Simple Songs site are all the great YouTube videos ( click through from the discount page). There are also lots of great videos of ESL games etc. on the net, but the trick is finding them. So I’ve linked up to a few videos on the games…

Super Simple Songs Discount

Seeing as I was in Yokohama today I caught up with Devon and Troy of Super Simple Songs. It was great to hear about the success they are having with their CDs, and YouTube. If you teach younger kids (like 1 or 2 year olds) or want a smoother, slower tempo to your classes, they…

Yokohama & danger

Today was a workshop at Yokohama’s Yashima Gakuen University. There were quite a few people on the bill, including a couple of big stars. The first one was Oosugi Sensei. He’s famous from NHK TV and radio and had a huge fan base crammed into the rather large room. He’s a nice guy, but his…

House things picture cards

Rosebud very kindly put a message on the request forum for individual A4 picture cards of the background items in the “Rooms of the House” theme. So here you go, 49 brand new picture cards! You can either use them as vocab practice on their own, or link it in with the “Where is baby…

Now on DVD!

Today I’m very happy to introduce the DVD version of “Kids English“. It’s been a huge request and we now have a limited number of sets available to buy in Japan. Kids English is basically a DVD version of 12 new Genki English lessons, plus there are hardback printed picture books, narration & song CDs…

Kids English star in “House”

The big news today is that Leo Vargas, the star actor in our Kids English series, is appearing in tonight’s US season premiere of Fox TV’s “House“. The big things that Genki English can lead to eh? ; ) The other big news is that we’re preparing the DVD version of Kids English. Check back…