Author Archives: Richard Graham

Genki in London

When you travel it’s always the little things that stand out. Yesterday I popped down to London. At first I was really grateful for not having to commute to work every morning. But having things like wi-fi and power outlets on the trains made a great impression of UK travel efficiency. Which was quickly destroyed…

Why kids? + Creativity

Especially in Europe, people always ask “why does Genki English focus so much on kids and schools?”. The reason is that school is broken. Even if we can only help a little bit it’s probably worthwhile. Here’s a video from the TED conferences. I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s also very funny.

Genki in Dubai

I’ve just finished a big project in Japan (announcement coming soon!), and I’m now heading off to re-mix some new songs in the UK. Luckily my 60,000 yen ticket ( special flight through Chubu airport) allowed me to take the weekend off on the beach in Dubai. It’s a fantastic place and it was great…

Make a Difference

I saw this on one of the mailing lists yesterday. The best quote: “You can never tell what type of impact you may have on another’s life by your actions … or lack of action.” Make a Difference Movie

Four Hour Work Week

I always think that time management is one of the biggest problems in schools. Tim Ferriss’ new book “The Four Hour Work Week” ( which is just what it says, being razor sharp with how you spend your work time, so you can spend it doing what you really want to do.) may be taking…

Why Japanese Food is like the Atkin’s Diet

You often hear about why Japanese people are so slim. And I’ve only just realised why.. I used to always get really frustrated at banquets in Japan as you have trays and trays of really nice food, but it was all “good stuff” like sushi and sashimi and gorgeous vegetables etc. etc. When I’m really…