Author Archives: Richard Graham

Eikaiwa Class + JHS

Today I was asked to help out at a teacher’s “eikaiwa” or private English class. I usually don’t do these types of classes ( please don’t write in asking me to visit one – I just don’t have the time!), but the teacher today has been really helpful and as I was in town I…

What do you think of easy bugs?

At the moment I’m working on a couple of “easy to teach” remixes for you. One is for CD5’s “What do you think of …?” and the other is “Creepy Crawlies“. If you’d like to try them out in your class or would like to send in some feedback, you can find them as free…

Lots of Free Games!

This is a bit of a risk for Genki English, but hopefully, with your help in spreading the word, it’s going to help a whole lot of kids; 12 lessons worth of online games, all free to use in class… There’s the full teacher’s guide online, but the beauty of these games is… kids love…

Curriculum: You or me?

Some people who have a look at the Genki English curriculum simply say “It’s full of questions!” Well, yeah! That’s the side effect of basing it on what kids use when they talk to me, they’re always asking questions. You can of course take the opposite view and instead of teaching what the kids want…

Teaching Videos

If you read about a lesson it can be a bit tricky to see how it works in class. But once you see it in action the lightbulb goes off with a “ah, now I see” moment. You already have “How to …” videos of the first 30 songs on the Teaching Guide Videos CDROM,…