Author Archives: Richard Graham

Do you like animals?

If you’re still having problems with teachers thinking that “Do you like dog?” is a correct sentence, then I think I have ( finally!) found the cure. Just like with foods, instead of teaching the singular first, teach everything in the “Do you like…?” form right from the start i.e. for animals that means starting…

Nagasaki Day 2

Ah, this is what I like to do, sit back, relax and let everyone else do the work! Just as a teacher should get out of there and let the kids be the centre of attention, today it was the turn of the teachers of the school to practice teaching using Genki English. Compared with…

Nagasaki – Small school, big heart

I don’t know what it is about the schools in Nagasaki prefecture, they not only have some of the best kids in the country but the teachers are always super motivated. Well actually, if you think about what day it is today, the anniversary of the dropping of the world’s 2nd nuclear bomb on Nagasaki…

Kagawa, Miki – The more the better

When I first arrived here, late last night, the train pulled away from the station and it was pitch black. All I could see were stars. This is crazy, crazy inaka, total countryside. I couldn’t see where my hotel was, and couldn’t ask for a taxi as there weren’t any. In fact there was no…

Shiga – Play and learn

I was booked today by the Shiga Prefectural Board of Education for a 3 hour workshop in the afternoon. In the morning a university professor was presenting. Hence I made sure I was there to check that anything stupid wasn’t taught ( e.g. one university guy goes round the country telling people not to teach…

Tokushima, Anan – Much, much better

Instead of being organised by a school, today’s workshop was sponsored by the city’s Education Research Centre. Hence we had teachers from lots of different schools. We also started off with all the formalities, introductions and lots of bowing! Which worked great as everyone was ready to start moving by the time it was my…