Author Archives: Richard Graham

Just listen…

One of the reasons I wrote the Genki English songs was that although there are many songs that you can use for listening in class, there are very few that you can get your kids to actually sing in one lesson. But that’s not to say you can’t use the Genki English songs for listening….

Top Ten Genki Songs

There’s a nice thread over on the CD Owners forum where a few people have written up their Top 10 Genki English songs. The best parts are the conversations about extra ideas to use the songs in class. The Genki Songs all have specific ways of teaching that makes them work. Usually I’d recommend looking…

Learn a new alphabet: Hangul, Hiragana, Katakana Songs

I’m amazed at how popular foreign languages are in the States, especially Japanese and also Korean. A lot of people are also interested in reading the different symbols involved. The trick of course is to make it fun. So to help out I’ve made 2 hip hop and 1 dance track to learn a few…

Spiderman 3 Game

Yesterday was the big premier in Tokyo, so today it’s time for Spiderman 3 to make his way into the classroom. The original Spiderman game has become hugely popular in high school classes, so I’ve just tweaked it a little to bring in the new Spiderman and the new Sandman villain. Basically this time when…

Okinawa in June

UPDATE: Β Thank you to everyone who joined us, it was amazing!! As you may have seen on the schedule page, I have a big symposium in Okinawa in June. As the travel expenses will be paid for, the plan was then to spend a bit of time down there, maybe visiting the islands and doing…

School Subjects

Hope you had a nice weekend! Last term we had a request for ideas for teaching “school subjects” ( math(s), English, PE, science etc.). Although I explained that it’s not one of the themes I personally like, as it’s usually not kids but teachers who make the request, I’m glad to say that Atley Jonas…