Author Archives: Richard Graham

Narrations + SFX

It always pays to ask. The big request about the picture books wasn’t the speed of the pages turning, but narrations! This was one of those projects on my to do list that I’ve never had time to do. But a little push works wonders, so now two more of the picture books have narrations:…

For Junior High …

Rebecca sent in this feedback about the Last Person Standing Game. You might want to try it in your problem JHS classes! This game changed a group of surly, pubescent second year JH girls into a smiley, screaming fun-loving bunch who wouldn’t let the game finish!Β  We played for about 20 minutes.Β  Problems were me…

Manga de Eigo

I was having a chat yesterday about new ways of learning English. One of the most popular requests was to have English Manga to learn from. Not necessarily in the American sense of “Manga” but in the Japanese meaning of a “comic”, even something simple like for kids. Then it hit me that that’s basically…

Tea & Coronation Street

I’m often asked about “English Culture” and to give examples. And to be honest there really isn’t anything that is particularly English. In England people drink beer and Starbucks just like lots of other places and things like bagpipes are obviously Scottish not English. But flipping through the BBC news last night I found something…

How Many Game 2

I’ve been trying to come up with a funky dance routine to go with the “How many?” song. So far I haven’t found anything that could be called “Easy to Teach”. But today I came up with this idea. 1. 2 kids are at the front. 2. As everyone is singing “How many points do…

Updated Famous People Cards

A few people have written to say that as the Famous People Cards had peoples’ ages on they were getting out of date. Thank you for letting me know, I’d have never have picked up on that otherwise! I’ve had them edited up so now they have DOB for Date of Birth and then a…