Author Archives: Richard Graham

Cash Back Fat

Learning English is just like the gym, for most people it’s one of the things you know you should be doing, but… it’s always just too much hassle. Too much computer work this month meant I had to join the gym. But one great idea they have is a “Buying Fat” campaign. After three months…

What’s Halloween in Japanese?

One request I’ve had quite a few times over the last few days, from various ALTs, has been for an explanation of Halloween in Japanese to show your home room teachers. I used to simply recommend ALC’s “Kodomo Eigo” magazine as each year they usually have a Halloween special that has a description of Halloween…

Back from Korea

Just spent the last couple of days in Korea. As usual the food was fantastic, tons of vegetables with just about anything you order. Going on the high speed Beetle boat makes it seem like it’s just an island hop, which I guess it is really. It’s a year since I’ve been here, so it…

Million Dollar Anime

I’ve had quite a few people asking to put up demo versions of the Adult / High School Hip Hop songs. It would be fairly easy to do, but …. I figured it would be a bit boring really. So…. I’ve put them up on the site, with pictures, but as an interactive listening quiz!…

The Magic is Here!

I’ve got to stop promising things in the newsletter, because as soon as I do even the simplest projects throw up a whole load of tech problems! But I have finally got Mr Monkey’s Magic Corner on the site… Magic’s a great way to get the kids interested in English as you can say the…

Korean Lost

I’m off to Korea next week. And the thing that’s helping me the most with my Korean is …. Lost! Eventhough I did Korean at Uni in Tae Kwon Do lessons, it was from a guy with the broadest Yorkshire accent possible. Hence I could never really vision it in my head as to how…