Author Archives: Richard Graham

Akita – Kids Club & Adults

Today was very topsy turvey. This morning started out with a show for the kids in the city sponsored kids club. Every Saturday the kids meet for English classes taught by members of the community. If all the primary school teachers in town were doing their jobs, I guess the city wouldn’t need this club,…

What do you do? in 20 minutes

These second time schools are something special. Last time I did the basic show here in November, and today I figured on doing something a bit more challenging, so after the usual warm ups, we went through “What do you do?“. That was amazing, the whole school, 6th graders included, were just enthralled by it….

Akita – Shapes, Aliens + Small School

I had a bit of a challenge this morning. Before the main show with all the kids, I had an hour with the three 3rd grade classes and their parents. Motivating adults is quite easy, and motivating 3rd graders is even easier, but not at the same time!! I starting off aiming at the kids,…

The Proof & the Genki English World Cup Song

Yesterday I was wondering if doing a one off show was worth while if the teachers wouldn’t follow up on it. But my goodness, today proved beyond a shadow of a doubt how well Genki English works even if it is only once a year. This morning’s school was one I’d visited last year. Today…

– Akita- For a one shot?

Last time I came here it was a week of school visits. Of course word got round the rest of the schools, so I’m back here for another week. After quite a while of computer work, I guess it’s kind of like a holiday. The only slight problem with it is that today was two…

Akita – Back to Odate, Hooped Cards & lovely food

I was up to I don’t what time this morning trying to reply to emails, as I have a feeling I won’t get much chance this week with doing demo lessons for 2,000 kids! Then a flight up to Tokyo, a quick meeting then way up North to Odate City in Akita prefecture. It’s only…