Author Archives: Richard Graham

For the World Cup, !

It’s taken a while, but just in time for the World Cup we have Songs & Games for learning German –! This was a project we’d been discussing when I was over in Germany, of taking some of the Genki English songs and translating them into German. And they have turned out very well,…

Australian Scholarships

Parents and high school kids are always telling me how they’d like to study abroad, but can’t afford it. The key is to find a scholarship. There are many of them out there, mainly from embassies ( have a search on google), but also some universities and private foundations. As it happens CNN have just…

Paradigm A or Paradigm B?

After sending out the Japanese newsletter last night, I realised that there are now more than 4,000 people signed up for the GE newsletters. That makes us one of the most popular Yahoo groups ( even more popular than the ETJ, one of my daily reads!) – so thank you very much! I also had…

Genki Japan Games

After trying to find good websites to learn Chinese and being so fed up with everything being soooo boring, I decided to take the karma approach to stuff and put some more learning Japanese stuff out there first. So I basically took two of the games from the CD1 Remix, flipped them into Japanese and…


I never realised how close China is to Japan. From Fukuoka it’s only a 90 minute flight to Shanghai. That’s quicker than flying to Tokyo! China certainly lives up to all that’s written about it. Talk about a high pace of development, and on such a huge scale. Things even start out well with the…

Off to China

I’m going to be in China over the next few days, and I probably won’t have regular email. The Japan office will be open around the Golden Week holidays, and I’ll be back on email from the 5th. Just one thing, if you do email me, please check your spam folders for my reply. I…