Author Archives: Richard Graham

The forum is back

I don’t think you can have jet lag from Germany, but I was strangely wide awake at work at 7 this morning. And I spent the next 6 hours trying to get the Genki English forum back again. And I think I’ve done it! Apparently what took the forum down last time was simply a…

Back to the UK

After a touch more filming in Hamburg it was time to fly back to the UK. And what a welcome. Aside from the rain, which is to be expected, the first thing you see when you enter Manchester airport is a nice big sign at immigrations saying “Assaults and threats against our staff will not…

Into Europe….

After seeing the reactions of the teachers yesterday, I was thinking more and more today that Genki English should really get more into Europe. Whenever I’ve been here before it’s all seemed very “schooly” e.g. very simple worksheets, repeat after me, and silly activities like “put your hands on your heads if you hear a…

The first Genki English workshop in Germany!

I always get a little nervous doing a workshop in a new country for the first time. You never know who you’re going to get or what they want to see! But you know what, I needed have worried at all today. They were a really great group of teachers, we had the full day…

Germany – In a Chocolate Box

This is such a beautiful place! Today we hired a car and went down to the town where tomorrow’s workshop will be. It is just like being in a Christmas card! I can’t believe places like this still actually exist. After going through last minute planning for tomorrow, we went out to Luneburg. It’s just…

Off to Germany!

It’s the first Genki English Workshop in Germany this weekend. Very exciting! I’ve also brought my brother across with me, as while I’m over here I’m going to try and sort out some more new ideas and materials for the new Genki German course. Hamburg was the city for today, and it was pretty cool,…