Author Archives: Richard Graham

Fukuoka – Locked Up

I’ve basically spent the last week dawn to dusk programming some new software. What a difference to last week recording then taking my breaks by the pool or the beach! I also felt really good physically last week, doing 3 hours of Genki English is really good for you! Needless to say this week spending…

New Monkey Magic

Well, we all know it’s really just “Monkey”. It’s great to see the new version on Japanese TV. I loved the show as a kid. Apparently the original Monkey was also in the first episode of the new series! When I was an ALT, one JTE and I re-wrote the whole second year textbook to…

More Crosswords & Dominoes ( great for JHS!)

Genki English reader Roger from Imakane has been a total worksheet machine over the last few weeks and I’ve just uploaded another batch of his great crosswords, dominoes and wordsearches. They are proving very popular for Junior High School as well, so if you know any teachers who teach there, be sure to pass on…

Saturday 15th April 2006 – Flying back to Japan – Nationalism/Patriotism in schools?

I’m actually looking forward to getting back to Japan this time. I got a load of work done in Europe, had a great time in the States and being with all the Thai teachers made me totally excited about the future. Thailand is certainly a country that is going places, the whole development around Siam…

Phuket – Songkran – Happy New Year!

I have a habit of walking out of hotel rooms straight into the middle of festivals. Today was no exception as it’s the Thai New Year – Songkran. How do they celebrate over here? Well, seeing as it’s the height of Summer you walk around the streets with huge buckets of water and throw them…

Sunday 9th April 2006 – Phuket – Recording + even newer “Do you like…?”

After a very nice holiday yesterday, today it was back to work. For this week that consists of working on new recordings and the Thai CD masters. I’ve also done an even newer version of the “Do you like …?” remix, which CD Owners can download now. After using it with the Thai teachers last…