Author Archives: Richard Graham

Make a Face song!

Usually I do my “look back at 2005” post at this time, but I haven’t had time to sit down long enough to write it! Which is just as well as over Christmas I’ve been back in the UK, and once again it’s the music here that makes it so good. I came up with…

2006 Calendars!

I always feel really grateful at this time of year for all the support and great times people have given me. I always want to give something back, to do something special to say “thank you”. A few years ago I tried desktop calendars and they were really popular, but they took too much time…

Communicative Language Teaching Expo sponsored by the Thai Ministry of Education

After yesterday I was really quite excited about today, and the Thai teachers didn’t disappoint. The main aim was to let more teachers know about Genki English and to let the people in charge see how well teachers take to the materials so hopefully we can get the go ahead to do things on a…

Bangkok – the Prime Minister

Oh my goodness I have never seen anything like this before! There were 2,000 teachers here alright, but it was also a full scale expo. Adding in members of the public, and students who were doing events, there were 10,000 people altogether! Things started out with a massive show by kids from all over the…

Online Picture Books

3 years ago I was asked to write a series of 12 picture books for a publisher in Tokyo. Picture books are huge in Japan, but I hadn’t the foggiest idea how to write one. Luckily for me though they put me through a year’s crash course with some of the best editors and producers…

Fukuoka – Freezing School + What colour is Xmas?

I must say that the demonstration schools these days are getting so much better. Even a few months ago they tended to leave me under impressed to say the least, but all the schools this week have been getting some great results with their kids. Today’s school was a huge open day with all 18…