Author Archives: Richard Graham

Tuesday 4th April – Bangkok – Training the trainers

Teaching using Genki English is dead easy, that’s what it’s made for. Training teachers to use Genki English is also pretty easy, that’s what I do everyday. But training teachers to train other teachers how to use GE is a new experience! The Ministry of Education has brought together around 180 of the best teachers…

Monday 3rd April – Bangkok – Way too much…

Getting CD6 ready for release ( and up on the site), learning Thai ( very exhausting!), preparing for the Thai workshops, developing new materials, meeting with teachers and trying to write a book. That’s been this week, I’ll try and keep up with the blog from now on!

Bangkok – Every school in Thailand!

I’m back in Bangkok because after watching last year’s workshops and seeing the Genki English effect on even older teachers, the Thai Ministry of Education wants to put Genki English in not just a few, but every single elementary school in the entire country! Blimey. That is pretty cool. But with the enthusiasm the Thai…

Honolulu -> Tokyo -> Bangkok

You can’t really get much of a cooler flight than today’s, holiday resort to business center to Asian metropolis. The last few days in Hawaii have been absolutely fantastic. I had expected to work a lot of the time, but with such a great group of people I ended up having so much fun I…

Hawaii – Even better

Yeah, I did write the title correctly, thanks to the wonder of crossing the dateline I had two March 16ths this year. If I was Irish and planned it a day later I could have had two St Patrick’s Days! I’m actually over here for a friends wedding, but I also have quite a bit…

Tokyo – Nice

Yesterday all the hotels on the island were full ( it’s a small island!). So I was put up in a ryokan, which was nice and clean but I was feeling the culture shock. Most notably being freezing cold after stepping out of the shower ( no heating!), and the harshness of the fluorescent lights…