Author Archives: Richard Graham

Snowed Under

Blimey, I’m a bit snowed under at the moment, so apologies for not keeping up to the blog. I’ve been working on a new CD project ( and I might as well let the secret out, it’s the remix of CD vol. 1, to update the software to be as good as the other CDs!)….

Genki English on iTunes! Please help!

I’ve got a favour to ask! Most teachers already know about GenkiEnglish, but in order to keep things going I really need the average person on the street to know about it. The idea being as we’ll sell more CDs, the prices will come down, everyone will speak great English and I can get back…

New B&W Minicards Book!

I’m very happy today that I can announce a new Genki English book! There’s always a delay between finishing a project and actually getting it out there, and sometimes the shine wears off in the meantime. So today I went and had another look at the real printed Black & White Minicards book, and it’s…

Okayama – Back to being Genki and English is easy!

Today was really cool, it was the first time this year that instead of a “demo lesson” I actually did a full on Genki English show!! The whole idea of these shows was, if you only have one time in a school ( which I used to have when I used to volunteer at schools…

Ehime is just fantastic!

You know when the weather’s right Japan can be a fabulous place with so many world class things to do. A friend of mine is getting married soon so my Mum has popped over to Japan for the ceremony. This weekend we took her round some of the sites in Ehime, which are just great….

Osaka – new animals cards

It’s that tricky time of year when it’s warm, but I can’t quite get away with wearing shorts all the time. So it looks like it’s a suit for this particular trip, which is just one day as I’m heading back home to Ehime tomorrow, for the first time since April! ( April? March? I…