Author Archives: Richard Graham

New A4 “How are you?” Cards & School Plays

Had a good day today, got lots of computer work done, and had time to answer lots of really good emails. A couple of things that came through were about doing plays in schools and a request for A4 versions of the How are you? Game cards e.g. Wet, Thirsty etc. You know it would…

ipods and stuff

Apple must have a heck of a lot of people listening to podcasts on their site. The GE High School / Adults Podcast ( it seems more teachers are using it for high school rather than adult classes so that’s what I’m calling it until I think of a funky name), keeps getting more and…

Well tired and No. 49!

I’m well tired! I’ve spent very much of the last 24 hours either mixing tracks, or just now writing a new online computer game. It’s a good feeling to actually have got so much done. And I just checked iTunes and the podcast is now at number 49! It’d be amazing if it kept climbing…

More Kita Hiroshima, Phonics + No. 59 on iTunes!

This morning was another two schools and just like yesterday they went really well. The Head Teacher of the 2nd school was the lady who organised everything last time, and she is just great. She also made a request as she had the phonics CD but didn’t know how to use it. That’s cool, requests…

Kita Hiroshima – great kids

Up and out early ( I think I’m the only one staying in my hotel), and off to today’s first school. Last time I came here I did all the teachers workshops so this time it’s just kids. But they were asking for ideas the teachers could use in class, so instead of the usual…

In the middle of a forest

Some days I may complain, and some I’m really happy, but one thing’s for sure, my job isn’t your usual office job. After spending however long in shorts and a t-shirt, working on the beach or down by the river, today I find myself in the middle of a forest in a ski resort! And…