Author Archives: Richard Graham

New B&W Minicards Book!

I’m very happy today that I can announce a new Genki English book! There’s always a delay between finishing a project and actually getting it out there, and sometimes the shine wears off in the meantime. So today I went and had another look at the real printed Black & White Minicards book, and it’s…

Crash, Crash, Crash

Whatever I’ve done for the last few days the computers just keep crashing. I haven’t had this for ages. Today not just Cubase, but even Flash crashed! I can’t get anything done! I tell you what though there is so much work that goes into the Genki English software, I keep wondering when other people…

Back in Japan

Back in Japan now, and for the life in me I can’t think why on Earth I’m back here – it is soooo expensive. After living in Thailand for a couple of weeks, Just things like water and coffee just seem crazy! Plus the weather is so muggy, you can’t even sit out to eat….

In the Jungle

My brother and his girlfriend are also over here in Thailand having a holiday, so it’s cool to be able to show them round in my time off. And we decided to head off to the jungle of Kao Sok national park, which is pretty cool to say the least! The only problem is I…

The Magic of Wi-Fi

I’m on Ko Samui, sat by the beach updating my blog via Wi-Fi. The World is changing! It’s great being back in Thailand, just being in Bangkok having meetings and chatting over dinner, everything is about “possibilities” and groovy things that can be done, instead of the Japanese idea of “hmmm, tsshh, oooo, it’s too…

Preparing for Thailand!

I got a very interesting email from the British Council in Thailand the other week. It’s still a bit hush-hush, but could be very exciting! So I’m popping over there to have a chat, and to do my computer work down by the beach for a few days, it certainly beats being in the middle…