Author Archives: Richard Graham

Off to Korea!

It’s travel time again! As usual I was in “computer-work-mode” before I set off and wasn’t wanting to set off, but once I did it’s all very exciting. It’s my 3rd trip to Korea ( 2nd this year!), but I hadn’t been to Seoul Station before ( great food and very friendly people), and now…

Fukuoka – What to teach and how to teach it…

In between packing for Korea tomorrow, today was spent putting yet more video on the Japanese version of the site. Today’s two are probably the most important as they are the two most popular problems that Japanese teachers have when teaching by themselves; what English to teach, and what to do about pronunciation. They are…

More video…

I need to get a Japanese calendar for my computer as I completely forgot today was a national holiday ( I use konfabulator at the moment). I had planned to book my December flights and upgrade my computer, but the travel agents were shut and the Tenjin computer stores were packed. So instead I edited…

English Kids like Rain!

There’s one problem with the Genki English way of learning. The idea is you just learn the things that are fun and things that you want to say, then try things out and if you make a mistake it’s cool as people usually correct you. Today I was getting no end of comments about the…

Sweet Shops Videos!

Since I first started Genki English I’ve always seen it as being full of video clips. The web is such a great medium for short bits of video that make it easier to get the information across, and if you look at all the old media interviews, I was always saying things like “Genki English…

What do you want for Christmas? Song

It’s here!! The “What do you want for Christmas?” song is up on the site! I spent the morning doing the vocals, then the rest of the day mixing and writing up the lesson plan. As the poll on the site wasn’t too biased one way or the other, I also did two versions “What…