Author Archives: Richard Graham

Big stress day!

Today is the big stress day again when I send a master CD off to the factory. Everything has to be checked, and checked, and checked, and checked again and is the most stressful part of this whole job!! Unlike the website where things can be changed later, here one mistake is very costly!! But…

Full time on the Classroom English CDs

You’d think it would be quite simple, just recording the words of the Classroom English page so that Japanese teachers can listen in their cars and get a little stress relief and confidence from being able to speak a little more English. But of course this is a Genki English CD so it has to…

Show & Workshop in Osaka

I’m back in Osaka again for the 3rd time in 3 weeks! Today was a private show and workshop organised by a teacher who came to see one of the shows in June and wanted to organise one in her town. Just like the show in June, she also asked for a “Mini Genki” show…

Classroom English CD

JALT was great and I had lots and lots of teachers asking when the new CDs would be out, both phonics and the new CD 5. Unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to get those finished by the time I head of for Europe. But a CD of the Classroom English / Classroom Japanese was also…

Presentation at JALT and it’s not 1997!

I bumped into Tom Merner a few weeks ago and he told me that he had decided to put my presentation on first thing on Sunday as I was the only person who could get everyone awake!! Which upon seeing a room full of partially hung over, and generally very tired looking faces seemed to…

Off to JALT!

The national JALT conference is the biggest language teaching conference in Japan, and probably one of the biggest in the World. There are all the big names there and loads and loads of publishers and teachers. I also have a presentation tomorrow. I had planned to get up early and spend most of the day…