Author Archives: Richard Graham

Tokyo, Lots of meetings and beer

Flew up to Tokyo this morning, the first time this year. One new thing was that the trains were running late! This never used to happen in Japan, but now with all the terrorist warnings it’s making things seem more like back home. So my first meeting was a bit late but a good chat…

Workbooks, DVD Player, videos etc.

I did another of the workbooks ( this time volume III ) and spent quite a bit messing around with new ideas for the new songs and stuff. This is the fun bit, just messing around with music ideas, getting together a set of funky things that work together! One strange thing is that when…

Fukuoka Education Centre, Katakana Quizzes + Korg

One disadvantage of travelling around all the time is that I only get to see my snail mail once or twice a year. Today I got a load and one of them was for the big workshop I’m doing for Fukuoka Prefectural Education Centre (with over 100 teachers!). They wanted my seal on some documents…

Phonics Worksheets

The new Phonics CD has audio games for each of the ten phonemes on there, and for each one there needs to be a worksheet. The three that have been on the site have proven really popular, so I did the other seven today. I also figured it’d be useful to have A4 sheets with…

The day I hate

This is the day I really, really dislike!!! It’s the day of sending off the Phonics CD master to the factory. Which means that everything has to be 100% totally and utterly perfect, any mistakes here and it will cost a fortune to fix. So everything has to be minutely checked, and checked and checked…

Speading Up the Japanese + New Layout

After seeing the difference the new coding on the site made to the English version, I had to update the Japanese version as well. That took all day, in fact till 3 in the morning!! But the pages are miles faster, easier to print out and hopefully easier to maintain. The last major coding on…