Author Archives: Richard Graham

How Teachers can get complimentary access to Genki English on iOS & Android!

Just to confirm that as a VIP teacher you do get complimentary access to the iOS/Android version of Genki English when you sign your students up – you don’t have to pay anything extra for your own access! Hope that helps andΒ Check out the details here!

Little Red Riding Hood A4 Flashcards Hack :)

A quick teaching hack for you, Β the Genki Little Red Riding Hood Part 2 Picture Book also works great as A4 flashcards for the song! Β  Double use with no extra printing πŸ™‚ You can find it on the Genki Little Red Riding Hood Part 2 page, Β the other 27 pdf Genki Picture Books you…

It’s never too early for love :)

If you want to add a little love to your lessons this year, Β you can’t do better than the Genki Valentine’s lesson – Enjoy!   P.S. Β There’s also the very silly “talking make a Valentine’s card” page too πŸ™‚

Why learning (or teaching!) Grammar is the easy way out!

It’s much easier to study the poster on the wall at the gym, to learn what push ups and pull ups do for your muscles, than actually doing the exercises! πŸ™‚ And it’s just the same with learning or teaching grammar. Β  It’s the easy way out. Β Your brain always wants the easiest path, it’s…

It’s time for your Jar of Awesomeness!

If you want your kids to be happy this year then the “Jar of Awesomeness” technique is a fantastic tool to combat the negativity of the news and social media. You can do it either at home or at school and all you do is to collect, draw or write down whenever something cool, funny…

If you missed the Mastermind, the 3 Questions to Make Your 2022 Truly Amazing!

If you missed Monday’s Zoom Mastermind, Β here are the three questions that we covered to make your 2022 truly amazing. Β  Whilst it’s much better to go through the questions in a fantastic Mastermind session, Β you’ll still get lots of value by going through them on your own! Β  And hopefully I’ll see you in…