Author Archives: Richard Graham

The Top 3 Causes of Stress for Teachers (they’re probably not what you think they are!) and how to fix them…

Today’s video is on the The Top 3 Causes of Stress for Teachers (they’re probably not what you think they are!) and how to fix them… Let’s get you totally stress free for the new school year and all throughout the year too! Be genki, Richard P.S. Β  The free email course is here, Β …

The 3 Biggest Homework Mistakes Teachers Make + Why It’s So Important For Your Students’ Success!

The biggest mistake teachers make with English homework is not setting any. Β  Β  What are the next 3 and why do they matter so much for your students’ success?   Be genki, Richard P.S. Β If you’re interested in the Genki English homework then the details are here. Β Or send me an email letting me…

Why having fun (β€œflow state”) is the fastest way to learn (or teach) English. (+ the 3 mistakes most teachers make)

I’m doing a series of videos this week on the key concepts behind how we teach English. Β  Here’s the first one today: “Why having fun (β€œflow state”) is the fastest way to learn (or teach) English. (+ the 3 mistakes most teachers make)”

Be Stress Free: You don’t have to, you get to …. :)

We’re coming up to what can be the most stressful time of year for some teachers. Luckily, we’re Genki language teachers. Which means we can also use the power of language to help control our own reactions and feelings as well as those of our students. A prime example when you are feeling a little…

The best way to predict educational achievement wasn’t to look at school fees or class size, it was …..

I just read in the new Zig Ziglar’s new book a very interesting quote about educational achievement: I don’t have the full details of the study, Β but it certainly rings true with all the research we have done. Outside of getting a good breakfast (which is usually the single biggest thing you can do for…

Shoes, Fortnite & Movie Trailer Music: Why Genki English isn’t your average “kiddy music” & keeps the teacher cool :)

I’ve had quite a few people who’ve seen the dramatic movie trailer music I’ve recently produced (and the DC Stargirl scoring I did last week) and saying Β “I didn’t know you composed & produced music too!” The thing is, this is what makes Genki English different. These aren’t your average “kiddy songs” you find for…