Author Archives: Richard Graham

πŸ“ How I take notes: The pros & cons of analogue vs. digital

With all the learning that I do it would be impossible to keep track of it all without some form of note taking. For example right now I’m taking a course on orchestration, Β another music production course (even after selling millions of dollars of CDs I’m still learning), Β Italian language Β (because as a language teachers…

πŸ—‚ New Minicards for Bremen Musicians and Little Red Riding Hood Part 2!

Sophie just reminded me in the VIP Facebook group that I hadn’t put up the mini cards for the Bremen Musicians and Little Red Riding Hood Part 2Β songs yet! So I just added them now, Β you can click through to each lessons’ page and find them there! Thanks Sophie! Β And if any of you find…

πŸ₯° πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ•Emoji Story Dice!

If you’re wanting a little extra inspiration to go along with the Genki Storytelling Course, Β try out these rather cool 8 sided Emoji Story Dice! (VIP Members click away on the picture above. Β  And if you’re not a VIP Member yet, Β just order your online Teacher’s Set today and you’ll have full access to…

πŸ– June Teacher Training Course! It’s Time to Brush Up those Teaching Skills!

UPDATE: Β  This Course Enrollment Has Now Closed. Β Congratulations to everyone who joined us this year!Β  Some teachers are lucky enough to be already on summer holidays. Β  Β Enjoy it if you are! πŸ™‚ For the rest of us, June is a fantastic time to brush up on our teaching skills. Β  We then have…

Why you, as an English Teacher, have one of the most enviable jobs in the world right now + How to travel the world (Dubai, Barbados etc.)!

Why you have one of the most enviable jobs in the world right now + How to travel around the world! – Everyone wants to work online but most don’t have the skills – They fall prey to the “make courses on making courses” scams – You, on the other hand, have a real skill….

πŸ₯‡New Game: Phone Race Game!

We’ve been doing this game for ages in computer rooms but, wow, it is sooooo much cooler now the kids can do it on their own mobile phones!! 1. Β Tell all the kids to load up today’s game on their phone. 2. You shout out “Ready, steady, go!” 3. All at the same time they…