Author Archives: Richard Graham

🐘 Another Mammoth Recode Coming Up!!

β˜•οΈ Yosh, big breath!!! Today I’m starting another mammoth recode to improve the Genki English Online software! 3 things certainly stand out when I’m doing this … There is so much in there! It’s crazy how many hours and hours and hours of games, songs, recordings are in there! How fun it all is. When…

πŸ’₯ Vol. 15 Minicards, A4 Cards & Workbooks!

Thank you for all your help yesterday – “Cowculator” seems to be the winner by quite a margin!! πŸ™‚ So here, by popular request, are the mini cards for the new vol. 15 beta test lessons! The themes are: She is / He is …. appearances Do you …. + verbs Did I …. verbs…

Help Please: Which joke to use as the graphic for “Do you get it?”

We’re just finishing up the “Do you …..?” lesson with phrases such as “Do you like it?” Β “Do you remember it?” etc. Β and we need to pick just one joke for “Do you get it?” Which one of these would you choose? Β  Cowculator, Hot dog, carrate 1 or carrate 2? Β  Let me know…

The Magical Japanese Bakery Curing Cancer & Your Teaching Too?

There is an amazing story going round tech circles this year about a Japanese computer system that was designed for bakeries but which also ended up being able to detect cancer cells and save lives. You can read more about it in the New Yorker Magazine here.Β  This is how tech works, Β it’s not a…

πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ How Long Does it Take to Learn English or Learn a Foreign Language? (HINT: It’s not YEARS!!)

So just how long does it take to learn a foreign language? Β  Hint: Β It’s not years πŸ™‚ P.S. Β You’ll also see why “once a week” lessons are one of the worst ways to teach English! πŸ™‚

To get your 60% discount ….

Included with your Teacher’s Set is a 60% Discount for your students for the online Genki English program. Once you have your Teacher’s Set, you can send me an email and I’ll send you a discount code your students can use on the page here. Or … Β if you’d prefer to pay and pass the…