Author Archives: Richard Graham

🎢 πŸ™ Happy Thanksgiving & Thank you everyone!!! πŸ¦ƒ 🎢

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Β  Even if you don’t celebrate the holiday I just want to let you know how much I appreciate each and every one of you! It’s certainly been a crazy year but seeing how you have all gone above and beyond to doΒ social distanced, hybrid and online classes, to help each other out…

🍎 Mac Update: Genki English Great on “Big Sur”!

Apple have just released their big yearly Mac update, this year called “Big Sur,” Β and Genki English is now fully compatible if you decide to download it to your current Mac! πŸ™‚ No upgrade charges, all you need to do,Β If you haven’t done so already, Β is to download the free new “Elmedia Player” : Download…

πŸ˜„ Let’s take this as a chance to redefine what makes us happy

For many of us this year has been quite an identity shift. Β  Β  For me I went from literally traveling around the world for workshops to being in lockdown for months at a time. Lockdown 1 was fine, Β it was a chance to chill, take a break, slow down for a while. Now with…

“Random Acts of Kindness” for World Kindness Day

Hello, It’s World Kindness Day this Friday and over in the Teacher’s group Luigi asked if I had any great games to go with it. We don’t have anything in the Genki English Curriculum but we do have a fantastic activity in the Genki Self Development Program. It’s called, quite simply, Β “Random Acts of Kindness”…

Top Mistakes English Learners (and sometimes teachers :) ) make

To celebrate the launch of my advanced Genki English class for this year, I did a quick Facebook live with some of the most common mistakes I see from students and teachers. Β  My advanced class is now full for this year but the video should prove useful if you want to learn a little…