Author Archives: Richard Graham

⚑️ 5 Quick Tips for Teaching English Online

I’ve been teaching online for 20 years now and over this past 4 months we’ve seen nearly all the Genki English teachers move online at some point or another. So here are my top five tips: 1. Don’tΒ change it. Β Keep doing what you’re doing! Making the shift to online, either temporarily or permanently, is a…

πŸ’― The Secret to Picture Book Reading!

The secret to picture book reading is a thing called “Rubato”! Β Check it out in the video below: How can you use this technique in your class? This digital picture book and many more like them are in the Teacher’s Set! Enjoy!

πŸ₯‡ Are you looking for some goals for your students? Try the Genki 3!

As it can be quite labour intensive to measure, it can sometimes be hard to come up with goals for your students. So let’s try the Genki 3: πŸ₯‰100 hours = Great, basic English πŸ₯ˆ1,000 hours = Fluent πŸ₯‡10,000 hours = Nobel Prize level Which level are you up to? Be genki, Richard * 100…

Language Learning Tips: Genki Lists – how I got fluent in French & Japanese!

As you know I focus Genki English on what works best for learners. Β  And of course I practice what I preach and am constantly learning languages myself! πŸ™‚ Β  Β Here is one of my top tips – “Genki Lists!”

Can’t do an end of year show this year? Try this instead!

Virginie has become quite famous for doing some amazing plays & shows at the end of each year. Β (Ninja Tip: Β The parents LOVE these!) So what happens if you can’t do live plays this year? Β  This is what you do …. Enjoy! Now, what can your kids produce to show their parents how much…

Don’t miss out! The Genki Business Course

If you’ve made it through the lockdown and want to protect your teaching business from future shocks, and grow it further in the months and years ahead, then the Genki Business Course is open now. We’ve now added so much to the course, Β you’ll get full access to everything, including the new mastermind sessions which…