Author Archives: Richard Graham

🍰 Why “Microteaching” is the reason online works better than offline

Note: As with everything, when reading this article be mindful to avoid the “But in my ….” trap. Β  Instead, the focus is on “What can I learn from this to apply to my situation.” Β  Cool, now we’ve got that sorted, here we go ….Β  Back in the year 1999 we were one of…

How to teach English Online for your teaching, your students & your finances…

To help you not only survive but thrive through this online teaching and beyond, here is what you need …. 1. The materials with the Teacher’s Set… First you need the right materials, Β all digital, all ready for online or offline teaching, Harvard researched and ready to go!Β  2. The ins and outs of how…

Plan C (for after Corona Zoom) + Tik Tok & other success!

The picture quality is terrible but you *have* to check out this video we did live yesterday. The first 30 minutes is my presentation on the next steps after this “Emergency Remote Teaching” we’re going through right now. I thought this first part was pretty good, but …….. Β then we have some amazing stories from…

You are enough & the other big challenges we’re seeing for teachers teaching online

Hello, First, just a quick recap on what we’ve got for you so far: 1) How to get online, what to teach and how to do itΒ (4 hour mini-course, Β grab a coffee, enjoy) 2) Genki English Software OnlineΒ Β & how to gamify itΒ  3) GamesΒ  And in general we’ve found the same thing as in the…

Moving Online, let’s the get the teaching fundamentals in place :)

Hello Now everyone is online and you’ve got the homework sorted, Β now is a great time to review some basic teaching principles to help guide how we do our online classes. So here is my “quick basics” course on Facebook. Some of the videos you’ve seen before, Β some are new, Β and as you go through…

What is a “flipped” classroom and how can it help your online teaching?

Note: Β This article is for highly motivated teachers who have already moved their teaching online and want to take things to the next level. Β  Β If you’re just starting online teaching then check out theΒ Β 4 Part Mini Course on how to move your teaching onlineΒ Β & how Genki English is helping students at this time.Β  Or…