Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I know it’s time to start putting Halloween things on the site when people start searching for it… So I’m sure we’ll have lots...

Donna has sent in this great feedback for the What do you think of …? lesson. This turned out to be a really exciting lesson. I divided the boar...

Here are some of the tricks you can use to kick your students’ English levels through roof! Gumby wrote in asking how I review all the previous ...

September 18th is “International Talk Like a Pirate Day” so what better excuse to try the new “Treasure Adventure” song. Don&#...

(If you are on email and can’t see the videos, click here for the online version!) One of the themes the teachers chose to do this weekend was t...

This weekend I had another workshop in Fukuoka, this time for two days where the teachers actually teach in front of each other and get feedback! We d...