I wrote this up for the Facebook live today and didn’t get to use it, so I thought I’d add it here. Β I’ll cover: How to get lots o...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Hello, I hope all is well! I’m back in the UK this week to attend the IATEFL conference in Harrogate.Β ( Are you going?) And whilst I’m h...
Hey there, my friend! There’s this one super-easy question (and just a few follow-up queries) that separates those rockstar teachers with an end...
How would you like to have …. Less stress in class Be able to reach all your kids equally no matter their current level or speed of learning Get...
Hey, Amazing English Teacher! You know, I’ve been hearing from countless teachers like yourself, all struggling with the same problem: teaching ...
Hello, Lots of you were really interested in the Flipped Classroom idea last week. And …. also lots of you had lots & lots of questions and ...