Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Kagawa, Japan.Β  Workshop for the prefectural Education Center. I should start reading my own blog. Last time I was in this prefecture one teacher cam...

If you’re wanting the latest Genki English songs in download form (i.e. you want them right now!) I’ve just updated the Download Pack to i...

Ishikawa, Japan As I mentioned yesterday I was a bit wary of today. They invited the local ALTs to do crafts and activities with the kids calling it a...

Hokkaido -> Ishikawa, Japan Another long flight down to Komatsu, plus a bus, plus a train, then arriving straight into a meeting with tomorrow̵...

Here’s a little video to show you how easy it is to teach English using the Genki English software with a touch screen plasma TV or digital whit...

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Today’s school is another pilot school and as it’s also the start of the new term in Hokkaido (they get a longer...