I’ve been working away on some new Genki English worksheets, but the first ones to pop out are actually Katakana Worksheets for the Genki Japan ...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
I was in Costco today and noticed that the new Michel Thomas courses are out for Mandarin Chinese, Arabic and Russian. Very exciting! Now I haven̵...
We’re always told to base lessons on what the kids are interested in, but if you don’t know the class it’s pretty difficult to know ...
It’s newsletter day again today. This month’s game is What’s Left? which is great for the end of the lesson or to check how much Eng...
Roger has sent in two new Word Searches for you. One is “Breakfast” (to go with CD7’s What would you like for breakfast? theme) and ...
NOTE:Β Β This offer has now ended! The Genki English CDs make great Christmas presents. So we’re introducing a Christmas Special offer for CD O...