If you live in the States you might still be able to check out Genki English in Disney’s Family Fun magazine. It’s the Summer issue though...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Here’s a new picture book, to use with the “Can I play…?” theme. As usual do the song first, then your kids will be able to un...
Seth Godin is a very clever guy. If you own your own business you should read all his books or at least his free blog. When it comes to languages thou...
One thing I really hate, whether it’s languages or history or chemistry, is when teachers boil lessons down to just being lists of things to rem...
Last night I put up another YouTube video on the Genki Japan website, this time for hot, cold, fun & interesting ( words you hear everyday in Jap...
The animals card game has been a huge hit with the kids (just make sure you stick to the original rules though!). One of the side effects is that you ...