Seeing as I have 4 hour train journeys nearly everyday this week I figured I might as well fly up today. This route uses one of the really tiny planes...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Over on the Genki Japan site we have lots and lots of people learning Japanese. The main reason for most of them is so that they can experience Japane...
Sometimes in higher grades kids will have taken on board influences from teachers, parents and TV and sometimes in class will gladly boast “Eigo...
I’m getting a bit fed up of this. I’ve known the teacher at today’s school for quite a while and she’s really nice. Initially ...
Wow, what a difference when people pay to attend. Today’s teachers were absolutely fantastic. We had a ton of questions, tons of attention, lots...
Tomorrow I have a full day 9000 yen workshop for private school teachers here, so today they asked me to do a paid for show for their kids. I haven...