Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

And now Part 2!!! (I put these ones on Youtube as they’re aimed at adult/teen students, for the Β Kids Genki songs check them out here πŸ™‚ )Β  ...

This song has been a big hit this week with the younger kids – it’s great for Christmas parties! Β  Β I was going to do a fancy Sora AI vi...

After the Genki Christmas Numbers song last week, Β I just had to do an alphabet one too! Yes, I know we shouldn’t be teaching the alphabet befo...

If you’re wanting to add a little Christmas sparkle to your numbers lessons this December, check out the song above! Lesson Plan As always we ke...

In the world of kids, and in the world of social media, Β you never know what everyone is going to go for! It took me 7 years to get the Superhero Son...

Following on from the success of the Spooky Halloween Adjective pictures,Β  here are the Christmas ones!     And awesome VIP Members* can do...