Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

The thing about being really good at something, even speaking English, is that you don’t realise what sounds impressive to your average person o...

Today’s plan was a full school show, then 3 demo classes. The idea being they’d be model classes that the teachers could video and I could...

Sustainability Education is a hugely important new trend and is something I’m hoping to help with in the future. Long-time Genki English contrib...

I ordered Brett Manning’s Singing Success vocal programme today. In his “Philosophy of Learning” section he writes: Have you ever se...

Yesterday I had a drum lesson ( I need to learn some new styles for the next CD). It was great, the teacher came up with simple stuff that sounded rea...

If you enjoy reading my blog ( why else would you be here? : ) ), then two very Genki English readers have set up their own. They run down what they d...