Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

There’s a new site in town for free flashcards. It’s simply another clipart set of pictures formatted up as cards, b...

Over the Summer a really great group of teachers got together on a special Japanese forum and very kindly translated nearly all of the 100 or so Reade...

Sorry if you were expecting more picture books today, I sort of got a little sidetracked… At some point I’m going to have to think about a...

I’m on a bit of a roll with these picture books at the moment, have a look for new “How old are you?”, “Let’s build a ho...

The Halloween Picture Book has been a huge success this week. So in the spirit of “things are better out there rather than stuck on my hard driv...

Just spent the last week on a fact finding and sorting things out trip into Asia. Taiwan was cool, my first time there, and even though a lot of the c...